Friday, August 7, 2009

Freddie Mac

Below is a clip buried in Freddie Mac's 10-Q for the 2nd Quarter of 2009. Take a close look at the last line - if Freddie ends up selling its tax credit portfolio, the terms have the potential to change the affordable housing industry for a long time to come.

LIHTC Partnerships

We invest as a limited partner in LIHTC partnerships formed for the purpose of providing equity funding for affordable multifamily rental properties. The LIHTC partnerships invest as limited partners in lower-tier partnerships, which own and operate multifamily rental properties. These properties are rented to qualified low-income tenants, allowing the properties to be eligible for federal tax credits. Our investments in LIHTC partnerships totaled $3.9 billion and $4.1 billion as of June 30, 2009 and December 31, 2008, respectively. Although these partnerships generate operating losses, we realize a return on our investment through reductions in income tax expense that result from tax credits. Our exposure is limited to the amount of our investment; however, the potential exists that we may not be able to utilize some previously taken or future tax credits. In consultation with our Conservator, we are considering potential transactions to realize the value of these interests, if market conditions are appropriate.

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